30+ Famous English Poem On Nature You Should Read

English Poem on Nature 

English Poem On Nature

"English Poem on Nature"Read Famoust English Poem On Nature.Nature is one of the best creation of almighty Allah.Lets Read Famous English Poem About Nature.

It is regularly said magnificence is subjective depending on each person's preferences, English poem on nature yet numerous individuals erroneously accept that to allude just to individuals. Regular English Poem About Nature magnificence comes in numerous structures, and it isn't about flawlessness.

English Poem on Nature Excellence isn't discolored by defects – it is characterized by them. English Poem On Nature could be in a grin, or the twinkle of an eye. It could be an untainted scene, or the difference in the seasons for different English Poem About Nature.
Bengali Love Poem
English Poem on Nature could even be in a demonstration of unadulterated unselfishness. Magnificence comes in many, regularly sudden structures, yet English Poem On Nature doesn't generally declare itself. Once in a while you need to scan for English Poem on Nature, however when you discover English Poem about Nature, you will realize it was justified, despite all the trouble.

English Poem On Nature

"English Poem on Nature"Nature is one of the extraordinary topics of verse, and furthermore gives writers a storage facility of striking and helpful pictures. However, what are the best English Poem on Nature or English Poem about Nature?

"English Poem On Nature"Regardless of whether it's the Romantics like Wordsworth and Keats, the Victorians with their developing familiarity with the characteristic world through topographical and developmental logical revelation, or progressively current and contemporary artists expounding on a scene set apart by enduring just as magnificence, English artists have frequently been attracted to the universe of nature for motivation. Beneath, we've picked 30+ of the absolute best English Poem on Nature or English Poem About Nature.

From English Poem on Nature,we can feel the beauty and awesome creation of god or Allah.So English Poem on Nature is very important.

English Poem On Nature

Ballads on nature: during the tallness of mosquito season, they are our connection to the outside, the best way to appreciate the incredible green world out there. (No? Just me? Alright.) The artist's look, their perception and understanding and word play, can acquire the outside to us ways we hadn't considered, ways we probably won't have known to look. A decent sonnet on nature eases back us down.

English Poem on Nature helps us to remember the earth we stroll on, the trees we cruise by, the winged creatures overhead, the hands that have worked and planted, the endurance of seeds—of creatures, of people—in spite of everything. Also, in that observing, in that recollecting that, we respect the excellence and ruthlessness of the regular world. With that in mind, here are 30+ Famous English Poem on Nature by artists who may not really be considered "nature artists," yet whose nature ballads are on point.

English Poem About Nature

English Poem On Nature

I truly delighted recorded as a hard copy the accompanying ballads about nature. Perhaps on the grounds that I'm a major aficionado of everything nature and genuinely appreciate investing bunches of energy outside.

I get it's anything but difficult to expound on things you like and are enthusiastic about.

Inside every one of these refrains, I attempted to portray nature from my view or viewpoint.

We as a whole expertise loosening up it is simply to gaze at wonderful landscape, regardless of whether their mountains, seas, or a thick woodland.

Investigating the earths common habitats is certainly something we should all endeavor to do all the time. As I would see it, it resembles medication for our spirits.

So lets Read 30+ Famous English Poem on Nature.

English Poem on Nature

The Summer by Sydney Harris
The saffron-yellow sun grins on top of the beige sand,
and the aquamarine waves wash up onto the seashore.
The towering palm trees sway from side to side
as the gentle wind whistles through the beach.
The field of vivid flowers dance and smile underneath the lime colored grass,
and the flap of a monarch butterfly's wings soar through the broad meadow.
The coconut and lemon ice cream dripping down my hand
as the sun melts it like ice.
The swimmers sitting on the silver seats and speaking to each other
and watching the surfers surf on their surfboards.
The sun drifting down as it suddenly gets darker and darker...
Author: Sydney Harris

 The Forest's Blessed Abode by Belinda Stotler
Come, walk with me into the forest's blessed abode,
To see the wondrous beauty the Earth has bestowed;
We'll bask in the surreal splendor that surrounds us,
And listen to nature composing the forest's grand opus,
As sounds of whispering trees and burbling streams,
Send our minds wandering into a poet's lovely dreams.
We'll walk where sunlight sets the forest's leaves aglow,
Weaving open paths to dapple golden light on all below;
Where trees shade us from summer heat and harsh rays,
Freeing our minds so we can see Mother Nature's ways,
Of creating nurturing sanctuaries for life dwelling there,
To shield its tender wards from storms too hard to bear.
Come sit beneath the glowing embers of an autumn tree,
Whose rich hues are a natural wonder many come to see,
While colorful leaves glide down in a whirling course,
Like embers breaking loose from their flaming source.
Glowing for a moment as if falling to their ending fate,
Instead, nourishing Earth for rebirth into a new state.
The wintering forest seems to be a still, desolate place.
Yet, under the snow and autumn leaves of a tree's base,
Beats the promising pulse of new life that patiently waits
For spring's warmth and rain to open wide nature's gates;
Roam with me under the trees standing strong over it all,
To watch them quietly sleep until nature's beckoning call.
Let us stroll in spring's forest where we will reap
The joy of Earth awakening its children from sleep,
And hear life's chorus and watch its offspring grow,
As waking trees renew their canopy over all below;
Come share with me the forest's spirit at rebirth,
So we too are reborn within this temple of Earth.
Every now and then let us answer the forest's call,
To come see life's beauty and the miracle of it all;
If we listen with our hearts as we walk among trees,
We may understand the message carried on a breeze,
For us to blend with the forest's spirit so it will beguile
Us into walking under its lovely trees for just a while.
Author: Belinda Stotler

English Poem on Nature

 Winter's Artist by Suzanne Bates
An awesome scene the artist paints, expert and deft his hand.
Brush strokes swift, he draws with ease, a winter wonderland.
Landscape sketched from memory, heavens and land entwine
Rapidly the scene is set, exquisitely divine.
Pine trees reaching tall and proud, like statues standing still.
There is no wind to speak of, more an icy winter chill.
Strong branches dusted with the snow stretch their fingers high
As if welcoming the blanket bequeathed by the darkened sky.
Crisp snowflakes twirl like dancers, pirouetting to and fro,
Waltzing to their silent tune toward the ground below.
Pale moonlight showers diamonds, generously all around.
Its treasure glints and sparkles upon the hardened ground.
Snowfall in shades of silver envelops the land below,
Lighting up the darkness with its soothing, gentle glow.
Mellow in its nature, no preference where it lays
Takes refuge where and when it can, throughout the winter days.
Though bereft of colour is the scene, prevailing grey and white,
Its awe inspiring beauty is apparent day and night.
Who nonchalantly paints this scene, for all on earth to share?
His strokes proficient every time, precise and so aware.
Jack Frost paints wondrous pictures with his palette of frozen dew,
Then stands back when his work is done and proudly admires the view.
Author: Suzanne Bates 

A Day At The Beach by Marie Matheny
The sun and sand go hand in hand.
The sound of constant waves -
There's a smell of salt in the air.
The ocean is seen through a haze.
The parents bring their children
And watch them play in the sand.
They help them jump the waves
By holding little hands.
The teens exude vitality and youth.
They know they're coming of age.
They strut and prance and dance around
As if they were on stage.
Lovers strolling hand in hand
Enjoy their day of sun and sand.
They seem to think they're all alone -
The crowded beach on which they roam.
The old move slow and steady
Thinking it's no notion.
This could be the last time
They get to see the ocean.
The seagulls glide in circles.
It seems without a care,
But really they are searching
A crumb to catch mid-air.
Scattered on the beach
Are castles made of sand.
Some are small and messy - 
Others big and grand.
If one is lucky,
While looking out to sea
They may spot some dolphins
Swimming gracefully.
A day at the beach is not complete
Without catching the perfect wave
Or gathering shells along the shore -
Souvenirs of a perfect day...
Author: Marie Matheny 

English Poem For Nature

Are There Paw Prints In Heaven? by Missy Davis
I hear of a place that is made of gold,
a place where we shall never grow old,
but one answer I have not heard at all,
will there be paw prints from my little dog?
He promised us joy right from the start.
I just wonder if she'll be a part.
So as I sit here and dream of the day,
I wonder if in heaven she will stay?
When you're walking down with the saints of old,
take a glimpse of that new road,
and if there you shall see,
maybe a paw print just for me.
Author: Missy Davis

Promises Of A New Day by Belinda Stotler
The perpetual cadence of the vast sea
Stirs a restless desire that engulfs me.
Like an infinite force I dare not impede,
Briefly rushing in - only to then recede.
Beckoning me to leave life's safe shore,
Into deep waters of mystery and lore.
The seagulls' cries seem to taunt me,
To follow them over the endless sea,
Where I'd be free to spread my wings
And discover the new life the sea brings.
Yet, fear holds me fast to a familiar place,
Away from the unknown trials I may face.
Even the ocean's waves seem to conspire,
Relentlessly calling to stoke curiosity's fire,
As they rumble ashore with impatient haste,
Swirling about my feet with purpose chaste,
Urging me to follow as they return to the sea,
Leaving a luring trail of life or its relics for me.
Shall I boldly explore the sea's possibilities,
Or allow imagined worries to be liabilities?
Although I cannot foretell all the sea offers,
The strong desire to enrich my mind's coffers
Begs me to obey the sea's enticing siren song
And let its wandering currents carry me along.
As the day slowly wanes on the sea's horizon,
I ponder the sea's glittering trail to the sun,
Inviting me to watch its vibrant dying light,
Before the day's life gives way to the night.
Still, I lingered a while after it faded away,
Wondering about the promises of a new day.
Author: Belinda Stotle

English Poem Nature

 Warned by Sylvia Stults
The sands of time have rendered fear
Blue skies on high no longer clear
Stars were bright whence they came
Now dimmed, obscured, pollution's haze
Crystal clear our waters gleamed
Fish abundant, rivers streamed
Ocean floors sandy white
Now littered, brown, pollution's plight
Trees towered high above
Trunks baring professed love
Birds chirping from sites unseen
Gone, paper joined pollution's team
One can't blame pollution alone
As they say, you reap what you've sown
So let us plant a better seed
Tear out old roots, cultivate, weed
Protect what has been given for free
Our waters, skies, wildlife and trees
For once they're gone, don't you say
Consider yourself warned of that fatal day
Author: Sylvia Stults 

 An Evening Hour by Pearlyn
It was a sunny bright evening, an evening so calm,
The kind of evening that was inviting me with an outstretched arm.
So I decided to spend an hour doing almost nothing,
Sitting and enjoying the best of what nature could bring.
Getting up from my chair, I thought I'd take a stride
Then there was a bumble bee that suddenly came by my side.
There was a kind of music as the bee flapped its wing,
Music so perfect that no one could ever sing.
Walking little further, I spotted a butterfly
Which was hovering over the flowers and then soaring high
And I came to the conclusion as I was on my knees,
Not the richest of queens was dressed like one of these.
My evening hour in the garden was very well spent
And now I know what beauty and music really meant!!
Author: Pearlyn

A English Poem On Nature

 Snowflakes by Nina Lin
So pure, so white, the most beautiful creation
Words cannot describe this sensation
Delicacy of this one tiny flake,
Will eventually fall and only break
This unique one of a kind,
Will definitely blow your mind
Author: Nina Lin 

Poem About Nature Beauty

 Cry Of Wolves by Shelagh Bullman
Rulers of the night, the wilderness is your home,
Man in his ignorance won't leave you alone,
Strong together you hunt for survival,
Man and his gun your only rival.
Mistress of the moon, shadows dancing on Northern skies,
I hear your torment and mournful cries,
Running, hunting, surviving, dying,
From frozen mountain tops I hear your crying.
Great warriors of the night,
I wish you strength and stamina,
Courage in your plight.
You are the heart of the wilderness,
Cool air and mountain snow,
You are part of this land but man is your foe.
So once again the dark night becomes black,
And howling is heard as wolves gather and pack,
With spirit and fight, stamina and charm,
Let no man destroy you, you mean them no harm.
Brave warriors of the night,
In the wilderness be,
Wise and cunning hunters,
Forever be free.
Let your howling join the earth,
May you hunt with no fear,
Let the mountains echo out,
The howl of wolves that fills the mountain air.
Author: Shelagh Bullman 

 Flowers by Pearlyn
They have no mouth, but seem to speak
A thousand words so mild and meek.
They have no eyes , but seem to see
And bury thoughts into me.
They have no ears, but seem to hear
All my cries, my every tear.
They have no arms, but seem to pat
When with worries my heart is fat.
They have no feet, but seem to walk
Along with me in my dreams and talk.
They, I know, are the flowers so nice
That spread their fragrance a million miles.
Grow a few and then you'll know
How your life is fresh and new.
With a smile so broad, I thank my God,
Whose work to imagine is really too hard.
Author: Pearlyn 

Famous Nature Poems

Easy To Grow by Constance Kettle
We carefully tuck them
All into their beds,
Then pinch, poke, and coax them,
Remove their spent heads.
We cross them, then toss them
Or force them to grow.
We lovingly boss them
And drench with cold flow!
We mass them and class them
And make them eat dirt,
And seldom do ask them,
"Does anything hurt?".
With relish we shear them
In sun's morning shaft;
No questions nor qualms,
Make them partners in graft!
We scrutinize field guides
To learn what it takes,
Dig up and divide then,
Or tie to the stakes?
We worry and wonder
Just what should we do
When red rose goes under,
Replace it with new?
We smell them and hold them
When bloom is complete
Then pridefully show them
Put rocks on their feet.
We train and contain them,
And cleverly name them
(as most clever names go),
"guaranteed hardy"
And "real easy to grow"!
Author: Constance Kettle 

 Secret Garden by Bella
I have a secret garden,
Where I can laugh and play.
I have a secret garden,
Often it's there I stay.
I have a secret garden,
No one else knows its location,
I have a secret garden,
That's gone through a transformation.
My secret garden used to be
An average unkempt garden,
It wasn't the place for me,
With all bonfire wood chard and,
No where I could sit,
Or admire the imaginary view.
I grew that garden,
I planted flowers every where
I made that garden,
With little gnomes here and there.
But as I grow old,
So does my secret place.
Flowers withered,
Weeds grow
Gone is the jackdaw,
Gone is the crow.
This was my secret garden,
I played here as I child,
But now as I stare
Over my secret garden,
I only hope one day,
Another child may put my garden,
To repair....
Author: Bella 

Long Poems About Nature

Missing Summer by Destinee

The grass so green,
the sun so bright.
Life seems a dream,
no worries in sight.

Tans and tank tops,
laughter and bliss.
Each moment passes
without even a miss.

Friends and cookouts,
memories and laughs.
Good times to remember,
but how long will it last?

The grass soon fades,
leaves begin to fall.
School replaces sleepovers.
Oh, I'll miss it all.

Author: Destinee

 Snow Dream by Ellen Pond
I feel wet snow
 on my cold, dry skin
 As the darkness falls
 to settle in.
 The stars shine bright
 to lead my way
 Through tall, snow covered trees
 which bend and sway.
 I know not where I came from
 or where I will go,
 while strange noises crunch
 the new fallen snow.
 I have no fears
 of this strange, dark place
 where sounds surround me
 without a face.
 The night goes on peacefully
 dark and slow,
 with all beauty shining
 as a glistening glow.
 I have been here before
 though I know not when.
 As sure as I know
 I will be here again.
 A place that is quiet,
 safe comforting me,
 while the icy brook flows
 'round a sweet smelling tree.
 I feel wet snow
 on my warm, soft skin.
 It is this dark place
 that I want to be in.
 Then I open my eyes
 and it all floats away,
 As bright warm sun shines
 on a brand new day.
 Window panes covered
 in sparkling frost,
 reminds me of a beautiful thing
 I have lost.
 My heart tells me in hours
 this day will be past,
 when the nighttime comes
 to me slowly at last.
 I am back in the snow
 so pristine and clean.
 Sadness shows me I've found
 this was only a dream.
Author: Ellen Pond 

Nature Poems English

 Wild Horses by Shelagh Bullman
Thunder of hooves across the land,
A gallant proud stallion is leading his band,
With grace and beauty they gallop and run,
Enjoying the freedom and warmth of the sun.
They stop and graze on grassy plains,
With only the wind to groom their manes,
No man can govern where they roam,
Fence-less pastures their only home.
Stand proud wild horses with spirit strong,
In man-less land where you belong,
Untamed you gallop on land through sea,
Forever wild ..... Forever free.
Author: Shelagh Bullman 

 Our Summertime Fun by Adelle M. Scott
I looked outside and viewed the trees,
Smelled the summer air,
I felt the warm breeze.
The sun with its golden bars.
That drop so gently on the field afar.
The beautiful blue sky,
Painted very seldom with white clouds so high.
The wet green grass,
Doused with the morning's rain.
Perfect weather for camping.
We'll go have a fish.
Mum will mix the batter,
And stick the fish on a platter.
A joy so reckless and wild,
That's in the heart of every child.
Now we look at our skin.
Let the sunburns begin.
We'll play in the sun.
This is summertime fun.
Author: Adelle M. Scott 

English Poem For Nature

The Fields Of Happiness by Courtney
People say it is a field,
A lovely field of happiness.
With flowers spread,
Throughout this field.
So clear and blue.
The sun,
Shining ever so brightly.
Birds chirping as if it was
The first of spring.
Rabbits hopping around
As if they could go on
For forever and eternity.
As the creatures enjoy,
Enjoy this wonderful place,
For it makes everything
Joyful, exciting, and happy.
A dark cloud has come,
Taken up the rays of sunlight.
With one cloud,
Brings many clouds.
The flowers,
Have now died
And weeds,
Have taken their place.
The skies
Are no longer clear and blue.
The sun
No longer shines with the rays,
The rays from the heavens above,
Instead it rains,
Rains as if it were meant to do so.
Birds no longer chirp as if it was
The first of spring.
Rabbits don't feel the need to hop,
For they won't go on,
For forever and eternity.
People say it's like a field,
A lovely field of happiness.
They don't understand,
For every field of flowers,
There is a single weed,
That one weed eventually spreads,
And takes over the flowers
Replacing them as if,
They have never existed.
For every time,
It is sunny and blue,
There will always be
That one small, dark cloud,
Hovering right near by.
There is no such
Thing as a lovely field of happiness,
Every field has its flaw.
It is a field everyone lives in,
Some point in life.
Once you are in this field,
There is no way of escaping,
There is no way in making it perfect,
For there will always be that one,
That one weed or cloud,
Standing in your way,
Of perfection and happiness
Author: Courtney 

And Now It's Spring by Lhtheaker
The grass is green across the hill, But yellow blooms the daffodil.
It's sunshine on a little stalk,
A friendly flower, I bet they talk...
Of little kids, too long inside
They burst outdoors to play and hide.
Tracking mud and bringing bugs.
Look, there's footprints on the rug!
Tiny whirlwinds, these little tykes,
They skin their knees while riding bikes.
They rip and roar, they're running wild!
What fun it is to be a child.
It grows warmer every day.
Shoo the children out to play!
Pick the flowers, play in mud.
Too much rain, here comes a flood!
My snowy, winter days are gone.
I mourn them, but I hear a song
Of birds in trees; wind chimes ring.
I guess it might as well be spring!
Author: Lhtheaker 

English Poem On Nature

 Wild Horse Survival by Trish Beckwith
Aloft the wind
I ride the night sky
I see the world through a much different eye
Power, beauty
Strength and grace
I feel the spirits of ancestral space
Pride of herd
Sisters and brothers
I live ever watchful standing by others
A kaleidoscope of colors
No two ever the same
The short, the tall, the long of mane
I know the chance
I know the fear
I live on the edge for death crouches near
On my back I carry a load
Through storm and calm
Ever vigilant and bold
I have died in battle
Killed by man
Hunted by predator as I roamed the land
No more room
Not enough grazing
Captured, shot, sold by pound on bills of lading
Yet I survive
Sometimes an insurmountable course
I am feral, I am Mustang, I am Wild Horse
Author: Trish Beckwith 

Awareness About Our Environment by Sylvia Stults
Broken bottles and charred pieces of glass,
Wadded up newspapers tossed on the grass,
Pouring of concrete and tearing out trees.
This is the environment that surrounds me?
Poisons and insecticides sprayed on our food,
Oceans filling with thick oil crude.
All sea life destined to a slow, awful doom.
These are the things we are to consume?
Mills pumping out iron, expelling yellow fumes,
Airlines emitting caustic gases from fuels,
Weapons of destruction tested at desolate sites.
And this is the air that's to sustain life?
There has to be something that someone can do,
Like raise the awareness to those around you
That if we don't heed the problem at hand
It's your life that's at stake, the destruction of man.
Author: Sylvia Stults 

 Flowers by Rola Barbakh
You might think
A bunch of plants
Are not special
In any way.

But to me
Flowers are beautiful
They calm me down
Like my best friend.

Their scent is so nice
It makes me feel so happy
Some flowers have a strong smell
I think I will faint!

When I am sad
The flowers are my help
They might just sit there
But they speak a million words.

Of comfort and happiness
A flower feels like a friend
It listens to me
And makes me feel loved!
Author: Rola Barbakh

 My Loyal Friend by Pat A. Fleming
Outside my bedroom window
Stands an old majestic tree.
She's been standing there for decades,
Just as proud as she can be.
And every morning when I wake,
She's the first thing I see.
This lovely constant in my life,
So magnificent and free.
I can see the early, rising sun
Peeking through her lush green leaves.
I can hear her moving gently,
In the summer's warming breeze.
She has a personality
That she wants the world to see.
And her moods are ever changing
Behind her silent dignity.
She responds to every season,
In her own unfettered way.
All we have to do is gaze at her
To know what season's on its way.
In the Spring she comes alive again,
As her leaves begin to bloom.
And beneath the sun's attention,
You can almost see her swoon.
And in the heat of the summertime,
When her joy is magnified.
She has never looked more beautiful,
All "decked out to the nines."
And when the Fall comes creeping in,
And a chill floats on the breeze,
She prefers to don more earthy tones,
And does just what she please.
But when the Winter's looming large,
It's impossible to hide
As her barren limbs droop soulfully.
They betray her grief inside.
She's stood by me through all my days.
She's watched me laugh and cry.
She's listened so intently
While I've pondered on my life.
And when I see her dank and weary,
I will sit with her sometimes.
And all the years we've shared together
Will come rushing back to mind.
But both of us are strong and true.
We've become the closest friends,
And we will weather every storm
Together till the end.
Author: Pat A. Fleming 

 Mighty Tempest by Patricia L. Cisco
Sultry sun on fields and bay,
quiet calm engulfs the day.
Faint troubled rumblings in the sky
foretells a mighty storm is nigh.
Feathered fowl that glide the breeze
quickly fly to nest in trees.
A silent sense of darkness fell,
as clouds began to twirl and swell.
A yellow haze of green and gray
replaces sun and heat of day.
Thunderous cannons roar the sky
with veins of light that pierce the eye.
The day has darkened into night
as Thor and Zeus pursue their might!
Raging winds that bend and sway,
tearing limbs along the way.
Bursting clouds of icy hail;
Nature's sting is quite surreal!
The faded rumblings start to slow,
and sultry sun peaks out to glow, 
Mighty Tempest, come and gone.
Ancient storm gods carry on,
leaving rainbows in the dawn!
Author: Patricia L. Cisco 

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